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Tuesday 28 May 2013

Measuring Capacity

Over the past few days, we have been learning about measuring capacity (volume).
We started off by comparing various sized containers, and ordering them from what we thought held the least capacity through to the biggest capacity.

Then we estimated how many cups it would take to fill each container. We found it was easier to estimate the capacity of smaller containers.  The bigger the container - the more 'far out' our estimates were!

Then we moved onto estimating and measuring in standard units of measurements (millilitres and litres). We have learnt how many mls there are in a litre, and are starting to work on problem solving activities with capacity.

Friday 17 May 2013


In Maths, we are learning about measurement (as well as 'polishing up' our basic facts).
Last week, we started learning about measuring lengths of objects and distances outside the classroom.

We kicked off our topic by measuring our smiles.
YES! We actually measured our smile, by using string. We discovered that some people have bigger mouths than others. Miss Jeynes said she already knew this. (ha ha)

Then we used our 'smile lengths' to measure objects around the class. We estimated first...

We practised estimating and measuring lengths and widths of objects in centimetres. Then we moved outside, and used metre rulers to estimate and measure larger spaces ...

We are getting smart at working out perimeter and areas of shapes ...

Next week, we'll be learning about measuring liquids. Stay tuned !

Thursday 9 May 2013

Eating our produce

Yesterday we tucked into the broccolli and cauliflour from our garden.
Miss Jeynes blanched the food first, (which we learnt means to put in boiling water briefly).

The vegetables were delicious - especially because we got to dip them in onion dip!
(Thanks Miss Campbell for the onion dip!)

Here's some pics ...

Not all of us like broccolli or cauliflour!

Monday 6 May 2013

Welcome Back!

Phew! Didn't the holidays go fast?

This term Room 3's topic is Learning About The Past. Our focus is on the time of the early European settlers, how they lived, the challenges they faced, and the effect they had on the land and the Maori people.

We will be learning the skills of skimming and scanning texts to find information, as well as learning how to ask quality questions to get more information. Today we started using De Bono's Thinking Hats which is a great tool to help us organise our thinking and planning.

Here are a couple of our activities ...
We also came up with some ideas about Humpty Dumpty.  We discussed the facts from the poem, the good and bad points about Humpty's fall, and what we thought or felt about Humpty...

We had fun coming up with NEW ideas about why Humpty might have fallen and what could have happened next ...